Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Snow days!

Last week we got hit with the blizzard of 2007! We got 17 inches of snow on top of the 3-4 inches we already had! Then this weekend, we got about 2 more inches! Luckily the weather is starting to warm up, and the snow is melting. The weather is crazy around here! Last week it was below 0 degrees and this week it is supposed to get up to 50 degrees! That's crazy! The best part was that Ricky got to spend Valentine's Day with the family! Purdue was cancelled for the first time since 1994, and his work was closed! It was nice and relaxing to have him home for almost 2 days!

This first picture was taken right outside our front door! Can you believe that's a car under him! There was a huge snow drift and we could only open the door about 12 inches! Then you had to step up on the snow drift to get anywhere! As you can see in the second picture, Ricky was walking on the snow drift and was taller than the front door! We were definately glad to have our snow boots this year!

We have been keeping busy with our fun toys this winter as we have been stuck at home from the snow! Dylan loves to play with his Christmas present from his friends Gavin and Cameron. He usually opens it up and throws all the toys out of it and then just opens and closes it. It's amazing how he learns by just watching me do something once! The other day, he decided to climb into it, so I had to grab the camera!

Dylan is getting ready to walk! He will take a few steps toward me or Ricky, but I think he is a little hesitant. I bet he will be off by his first birthday! He has two of his one year molars in already and the other two will be following shortly! I will be glad when they are all the way in!

Today was Free Pancakes at IHOP, so Ricky, Dylan and I woke up early to take advantage of them! Ricky had to work today, so breakfast was the only time we could go! It was nice to spend time together as a family! I really do love my family!

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