Last week, we went to the pool with Ricky's niece and nephew. We had a great time with them while they were here!

Dylan had a blast on the little dolphin slide. He is so big!

Lauren loves the water! She just splashes and laughs. She is tanner than I am! How does that work?

Dylan and Tessa were inseparable! They always wanted to ride together. Good thing we had 2 car seats! Dylan is missing her so much already!

Lauren is so cute when she wakes up. I was trying to sneak in and get a shot of her sleeping, but she was wide awake when I went into her room! I still got some cute shots!

She likes to stand up in her crib now. Silly girl doesn't know how to sit back down! She will stand up and then start crying. She is pulling herself up all the time. She is getting really good at it! She still only army crawls around, but I'm sure she'll be walking before we know it! Dylan thinks it's funny to crawl like Lauren, so half of the time they are both laying on the floor. Lauren started whole milk since she turned one. She didn't like it at first, but I figured it out! She likes her milk warm! She is only used to drinking breast milk, so it makes since that she would like her milk warm, too!

Dylan loves his little sister! He carries her around on his shoulders and makes her laugh so hard! It is the cutest thing ever! I love the sibling bond!
Lauren is so big now and she is super super cute!
Oh my, Lauren has changed a lot since I we left in May. I can't believe she's one now! What a cutie!
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