Today, we went to the doctor for Ethan's 4 month and Lauren's 2 year check ups. It just worked out that they could both be done at the same time! Yeah! Only one trip to the doctor! They both had to get shots at their appointments, which I was grateful to have Ricky there with me! Thanks honey! They both did great and only cried for a minute. I can't believe how fast my family is growing!
Here are Ethan's stats:
Weight: 15 lbs. 4 oz. (75th percentile)
Height: 24 3/4 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.4 cm. (75th percentile)
Ethan is getting so big! I love the chub! He is by far the biggest of my children! I think it is adorable! He just found his toes this week and loves to hold them. He also rolled over for the first time! He is growing up way too fast! He is such a wonderful baby! He sleeps through the night and only cries if I don't get him fed fast enough! He loves his swing and sleeps in it during the day. At night, he sleeps in his bed. He will even put himself to sleep! He is our little chubster!
Here are Lauren's stats:
Weight: 27 lbs. 3.2 oz. (50th percentile)
Height: 35 1/2 inches (95th percentile)
Head Circumference: 49 cm. (50th percentile)
Lauren is such a princess! She is into headbands, necklaces, wands, babies, bottles, blankies, and strollers. She takes her babies to bed with her and has to feed them their bottle before she can go to bed. She also had to have a baby blanket for her baby. She is going through a 'mommy' stage. She only wants me to put her to bed. I really hope she outgrows this soon, because Ricky enjoys putting the kids to bed since I am with them all day! She loves to scream, sometimes to try to get her brother into trouble. She does play well with Dylan and enjoys copying him. It isn't always the best thing, but oh well! Dylan tries to get her into trouble sometimes, too! Overall, they love each other and play well. Lauren definately has an attitude. She will tell you how it is in her own little way. I was trying to figure out what she was saying the other day, and she got mad at me for not understanding her. I figured out a few days later what she was trying to tell me. Sorry! She really likes shoes and wants to wear them everywhere. She will get mad and throw herself onto the floor if she can't get them on. Dylan will even try to help her, but she doesn't want his help! We are trying to teach her to communicate instead of throwing a fit! She is just so stinking cute!
I guess I should do an update on Dylan so he doesn't feel left out! He is loving summer. My neighbor runs a daycare out of her home and has kids outside all the time. Dylan is asking me everyday if he can go play with them. It is nice to have someone for him to play with. He is going to start preschool in the fall. I think he will love to have the social interaction. He is my little social butterfly! He asks me every night, "what are we going to do when I wake up?" We are doing a lot of play dates to keep him busy this summer! He just finished his swim lessons today. He had a blast and did an excellent job! I am so proud of all that he accomplished! He also decided that he needs to wake up at like 6 in the morning. We send him back to bed until at least 7, but I still can't figure out why he wants/needs to wake up that early! I guess I need to go to bed earlier so that I can get up with him and spend some time together. He is a great kid and we love him dearly!
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