Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl Party

I was picked to host a Digiorno Pizza House Party, so I thought, what better day than Superbowl Sunday! We had a few friends over and the kids had a blast! We had a really good time and enjoyed the company. Plus, who can pass up on free pizza? Here are a couple of shots I got from the party!

These pictures were from before church. I have been enjoying doing Lauren's long hair. I got it into pig tails, with no tears! Yeah! I think it makes her look so much older, but she is already 19 months old! I'm sure she will look a lot bigger when the baby comes! Dylan didn't want to be left out of the hair doing party, so we spiked his hair, too! I love when he lets me spike his hair! I think it looks so good!


Steoger Fam said...

OH my gosh! Dylan looks so old in that last picture! I can't believe our kids are so big now!

Leah said...

Lauren does look so much older with her hair done in pigtails! Wow!